Lunch n Learn (Virtual) - Bringing money home with projects

Power Skills

Presentation Title 

Bringing money home with projects


We follow the story of Clara Loft, who managed internal projects for her organization and has turned to managing customer projects. We will see the new challenges that she has to meet and how organizations can help their project managers ensure the projects’ profitability and liquidity.

Learning Objectives 

  • Profitability of customer projects
  • Liquidity of the contractor’s organization
  • Happy customer

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the differences between internal projects and customer projects and how to respond them on individual and organizational level.

Speaker Bio


Oliver F. Lehmann

Oliver F. Lehmann is a trainer from Munich, Germany for project management and project business management. His free online help material for the PMP certification is legendary. Another topic Oliver is interested in is the management of project business. Project business takes place, when a customer organization outsources a project partially or in full to a contractor. This places specific requirements on project managers on both sides customer and contractor. Oliver’s talk will focus on the side of the contractor. At, Oliver has a growing body of market research and other supporting materials for project business management.


Contact Info.





The meeting link and instructions will be emailed to you upon registration within your receipt. 

PMI Austin Chapter is always looking for new local charities to host our Lunch & Learn sessions. If you know of any charities to highlight, please email our Lunch & Learn Committee Chair at

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Lunch N Learn

Type of activity: Power Skills, Business Acumen

Date: August 17th, 2023

Hour: 12:00 to 13:00

Number of PDUs: 1




