Lunch n Learn (Virtual) - 30 Ways to Get Unstuck in Your Job Search

Ways of Working

30 Ways to Get Unstuck in Your Job Search


Many job seekers are able to fill up a 40 or 50-hour week that's comprised of search activity that really doesn't deliver as much progress as they'd like. They aren't uncovering new target companies. They aren't getting great introductions to key influencers. They aren't receiving many interviews. And they're spending a lot of their time answering online ads along with hundreds of other candidates and getting lost in the shuffle. THEY ARE STUCK.

There are solutions and during this webinar, NSENG Founder/CEO & Job Search Coach, Marty Gilbert, will present very tactical actions you should take now as he shares his advice on "30 WAYS TO GET UNSTUCK IN YOUR JOB SEARCH". If you identify with any of the following characteristics, then this webinar could prove to be quite helpful for you:

· Not getting at least 1 interview each week

· Not having at least 10 networking conversations each week

· Not getting at least 35 LinkedIn profile views each week

· Not adding at least 35 new LinkedIn connections each week

· Spending more than 15% of your time answering online ads

· Don't have an outbound job search marketing plan

· Aren't tapping into the "hidden job market"

· Starting to lose confidence and second-guessing yourself

This webinar is very instructional and will discuss how you can identify when you're stuck... why people get stuck... and, most importantly, what actions you can take immediately to start making more meaningful progress by leveraging your network, LinkedIn, your messaging, a proactive marketing approach and your mental outlook.

Learning Objectives 

  1. How do you know when your job search is stuck?
  2. What contributes to a job seekers getting stuck?
  3. Specific tactics you can implement immediately to generate more activity and greater traction in your job search.

Key Takeaways

  1. How to leverage LinkedIn to build out your target company list.
  2. How to interview more effectively.
  3. How to build your own dashboard to gauge your job search progress.

Speaker Bio



Marty Gilbert is the Founder and CEO of the NorthShore Executive Networking Group (NSENG at, the largest job search organization in the US. The group is comprised of over 11,00 members… with more than 1 member landing a new job every day. Over the past 13 years Marty’s networking meetings, webinars, workshops and job search coaching services have helped over 3,000 individuals to land new career opportunities. His trademarked “What the Hell Approach to Job Search”® has enabled many job seekers to more effectively position, package and promote their value to target companies and key influencers, while creating career opportunities within the “hidden job market”. Marty is also a frequent job search speaker at several large university alumni groups including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, NYU, Howard, Chicago, Michigan, Miami (OH), Loyola and several others.

Marty’s experience also includes a range of marketing, sales and general management roles for 18 years with Motorola, where he helped launch several “industry first” wireless products. He also served as Chief Operating Officer for STATS Inc, the nation’s leading sports data company that was also a driving force behind the book and movie, Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt. Marty’s career is highlighted by over 25 years of international experience that includes an expatriate assignment in Tokyo with Dentsu Inc., the world’s largest advertising agency, where his writing regularly appeared in Time, Newsweek, Business Week and Fortune magazines.

· Click here to view Marty’s LinkedIn profile.

· Click here for NSENG’s free membership and access to two of his job search webinar recordings.

· Click here for a one-minute video on NSENG


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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Lunch N Learn

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: August 15th, 2024

Hour: 12:00 to 13:00

Number of PDUs: 1




